

Shop beauty effortlessly with an AI-driven cosmetics & health product exploration!




Why it's so good to use?
  1. Efficient Product Discovery: With the product search feature, users can easily find specific products or explore new ones based on their preferences, without having to manually sift through countless items.
  2. Simplified Cart Management: The plugin allows users to effortlessly add, update, or delete items from their cart. This streamlines the shopping process and reduces the chances of cart abandonment.
  3. Shareable Cart with QR Code: The QR code sharing feature is a modern touch that allows users to share their cart with friends or save it for later, bridging the gap between online and offline shopping experiences.
  4. Customized Product Viewing: The product sorting options cater to different user preferences, whether they want to view the latest products, the most popular ones, or those with the highest discounts.
  5. Integrated Beauty Marketplace: Tira's marketplace is a hub for top beauty brands. With the plugin, users have direct access to a wide range of cosmetics and health products, all within their chat interface.
  6. Versatility: Whether you're a casual shopper, a beauty influencer, or a brand looking for a digital storefront, the Tira ChatGPT Plugin caters to a wide range of users and needs.


Tira, when integrated with ChatGPT, offers a specialized shopping experience tailored for beauty enthusiasts. Unlike the standard ChatGPT, Tira provides direct access to a curated beauty marketplace, allowing you to effortlessly discover, manage, and purchase top beauty brands within the chat interface. Its features, such as product search, cart management, and QR code sharing, elevate the shopping journey, making it more interactive and user-centric. Choosing Tira means embracing a seamless, AI-powered beauty shopping adventure.

Product Search

Benefit: Seamless exploration of beauty products.

Example Prompt: "Show me the latest lipsticks from Brand X."

Cart Management

Benefit: Effortless addition, update, and deletion of products in the cart.

Example Prompt: "Add this moisturizer to my cart."

QR Code Sharing

Benefit: Easy sharing of cart items with friends or for later access.

Example Prompt: "Generate a QR code for my current cart."

Product Sorting Options

Benefit: Customized product viewing based on user preferences.

Example Prompt: "Sort skincare products by highest discount."

Cart Updates and Deletions

Benefit: Flexibility in managing selected products.

Example Prompt: "Remove the eyeliner from my cart."

Features and Prompts examples coming soon.

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