Word Sneak

Word Sneak

A ChatGPT plugin for fun, engaging, and interactive AI chats!




Why it's so good to use?
  1. Engagement: The plugin adds an element of fun and challenge to conversations, making interactions with the AI more engaging and less monotonous.
  2. Learning Tool: It can be used as an educational tool, helping users improve their vocabulary, comprehension, and attention to detail.
  3. Customizability: Users can tailor the game to specific themes or topics, making it versatile for various applications, from casual chats to thematic discussions.
  4. Feedback System: The scoring and feedback system provides instant gratification and a sense of achievement, enhancing the user experience.
  5. Interactive Mode: The back-and-forth conversation mode fosters a more dynamic interaction, as opposed to a simple Q&A format.


The Word Sneak ChatGPT Plugin offers enhanced capabilities over the standard ChatGPT. It seamlessly integrates secret words into chats, adjusts difficulty based on user engagement, and allows for custom word lists. Unlike the standard version, the plugin provides a scoring system and amplifies interactivity with a gamified approach. This tool transforms typical AI conversations into engaging, educational games, making it a top choice for those seeking a more dynamic experience.

Interactive conversation mode

Benefit: Allows back-and-forth exchanges with the user, making the experience dynamic.

Example Prompt: "Engage in a 5-message conversation, sneaking in the words 'star', 'book', and 'glass'."

User engagement tracking

Benefit: Monitors user's engagement and adjusts the difficulty level accordingly.

Example Prompt: "If the user guesses 2 out of 3 words correctly, increase the challenge in the next round."

Customizable word lists

Benefit: Offers flexibility to tailor the game to specific themes or topics.

Example Prompt: "Use a list of ocean-related words for a conversation about marine life."

Scoring and feedback system

Benefit: Provides instant feedback to users, enhancing the learning and engagement experience.

Example Prompt: "After a 5-message conversation, reveal the secret words and score the user's guesses."

Features and Prompts examples coming soon.

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