Yay! Forms

Yay! Forms

The ultimate combo for smart, seamless form creation!




Why it's so good to use?
  1. User-Friendly: Even if you're not tech-savvy, the plugin simplifies the form creation process, making it accessible to everyone.
  2. Customization: The plugin offers a range of question types and design options, ensuring your forms match your specific needs.
  3. Real-Time Editing: Make changes on the fly. No need to republish or redistribute your form after every edit.
  4. Data Collection: Beyond just creating forms, the plugin aids in collecting and analyzing the responses, providing valuable insights.
  5. Versatility: Whether you're gathering feedback, registering event attendees, or conducting a survey, the plugin caters to a wide range of use cases.


The Yay! Forms ChatGPT Plugin elevates the standard ChatGPT by enabling direct form creation, customization, and distribution. It offers a variety of question types, easy sharing options, and efficient data management. This streamlined process saves time, and with consistent updates, it ensures seamless compatibility and enhanced form-related tasks compared to just using ChatGPT.

Customizable question types

Benefit: Flexibility to create diverse question formats.

Example Prompt: "Add a multiple-choice question about product satisfaction."

Real-time form editing

Benefit: Instant updates and modifications without re-publishing.

Example Prompt: "Change the title of my form to 'Customer Feedback'."

Easy sharing and embedding options

Benefit: Convenient distribution across websites and social platforms.

Example Prompt: "Generate a link to share my form."

Data collection and analysis

Benefit: Gather insights and make informed decisions.

Example Prompt: "Show me the responses for my event registration form."

Features and Prompts examples coming soon.

Plugins alike

No similar plugins yet. This plugin seems special.

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