Your AI Council

Your AI Council

Diversified opinions from virtual advisors for ChatGPT!




Why it's so good to use?
  1. Diversified Opinions: Instead of a singular response, the plugin offers multiple perspectives on a given topic, providing a more comprehensive view.
  2. Expertise from Various Roles: The plugin simulates feedback from different roles like CEO, COO, CFO, HR, and Ethics Board. This mimics a real-world council or board meeting, offering insights from various angles.
  3. Enhanced Decision Making: With diverse opinions at your fingertips, you can make more informed decisions, especially on complex topics.
  4. Contextual Analysis: The plugin takes into account the context provided, ensuring that the feedback is relevant and tailored to the user's needs.
  5. Multi-faceted Feedback: It's like having a team of virtual advisors. This is especially useful for business or academic purposes where multiple viewpoints can be invaluable.


The "Your AI Council ChatGPT Plugin" surpasses the standard ChatGPT by offering enhanced depth of analysis through multiple perspectives. It serves as a vital decision-support tool, simulating brainstorming sessions ideal for academic research. Moreover, business professionals gain strategic insights from varied roles, providing a multi-dimensional approach to topics.

Diversified Opinions

Benefit: Gain insights from multiple virtual advisors for a comprehensive view.

Example Prompt: "What are the pros and cons of remote work?"

Virtual Advisor Perspectives

Benefit: Access perspectives from different roles like CEO, COO, CFO, HR, and Ethics Board.

Example Prompt: "How will AI impact future job markets?"

Contextual Analysis

Benefit: Receive feedback based on the context provided, ensuring relevant responses.

Example Prompt: "Considering the tech industry, how important is continuous learning?"

Multi-faceted Feedback

Benefit: Get a well-rounded view on topics by tapping into various expertise areas.

Example Prompt: "How does digital marketing impact a brand's reputation?"

Enhanced Decision Making

Benefit: Make informed decisions with insights from multiple virtual advisors.

Example Prompt: "Is investing in renewable energy a good business move?"

Features and Prompts examples coming soon.

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