Avoma - AI Meeting Assistant & Revenue Intelligence Platform

Avoma is a software platform that leverages AI to help sales teams improve meeting effectiveness and drive revenue growth. It provides real-time insights, action items, and follow-up tasks to help teams stay on track and make the most out of their meetings. Avoma also offers a revenue intelligence platform that provides data-driven insights and analytics for better-informed decision-making.





Avoma is a powerful meeting assistant that boosts productivity and drives revenue growth. Its AI-driven features ensure action items are never missed, while automated transcription saves time. Real-time insights and analytics empower data-driven decision-making. With CRM and calendar integrations, Avoma keeps teams organized. It's perfect for sales teams and businesses of all sizes seeking to enhance meeting effectiveness, stay focused, and gain valuable insights. Avoma is the tool that propels sales success and business growth.

  • Automatic meeting transcription and note-taking
  • Real-time meeting insights and action items
  • Meeting summary and highlights
  • Follow-up task management and reminders
  • Integrations with CRM, email, and calendar
  • Data-driven insights and analytics for revenue intelligence

1. Choose a plan and sign up

Choose your plan. Free trial is 14 days.

Then sign up with your work email address:

After registering for Avoma, there are 5 more crucial actions to maximize its effectiveness, along with a playlist to swiftly enhance your skills. These steps can be found in the Quick Start Guide.

2. Connect your Calendar

By integrating your calendar with Avoma, you ensure that all your scheduled meetings automatically sync and appear within the platform.

Avoma works with:

3. Set your automatic recording preferences

Specify Avoma's recording preferences for different types of meetings:

  • External Meetings: Avoma will auto-record meetings with participants outside your organization, like Sales Demos, Customer Meetings, Recruiting Interviews, etc.
  • Internal Meetings: Avoma will auto-record internal meetings involving participants within your organization, such as All Hands, Daily Stand-Ups, Weekly Team Meetings, Design Reviews, 1:1s, etc.
  • Record as a participant: Avoma can also automatically record meetings where you are a participant, not just the host, in addition to meetings you host based on your preferences.

4. Select your conferencing preferences

Inform Avoma about your preferred conferencing system for meeting recording. Avoma offers integrations with:

Zoom (as Host):Avoma offers two integration options for Zoom. You can record via Zoom Cloud Recording or use the Avoma Assistant as an additional participant to record the meeting.

Webex (as Host):For Webex, Avoma integrates with Webex Cloud Recording. The meeting is recorded by Webex, and the recording is then sent to Avoma for transcription and AI note-taking.

Other Conferencing Providers:When hosting a meeting using Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Blue Jeans, GoToMeeting, Lifesize, or UberConference, the Avoma Assistant will join as a participant and record the meeting. When participating in a Zoom or Webex meeting hosted by someone else, the Avoma Assistant will also join as a participant and record the meeting.

5. Create your Voiceprint

To enable Avoma to recognize and identify you in recordings, create your voiceprint. Grant Avoma access to your computer's microphone and click the Record button. Read the provided text while ensuring a noise-free environment for optimal results. Feel free to pause and re-record if needed.

6. Connect your CRM

For users with a Premium-level license or higher, Avoma offers the ability to integrate your CRM account. This integration allows you to map your meeting activities with CRM records, automatically save your notes to the relevant records, and search for meetings and insights based on CRM properties such as deal stage, amount, and more.

Avoma works with:

Once you've finished the Quick Start steps, you gain access to a Playlist of Getting Started Videos that provide in-depth guidance on utilizing Avoma's features and functionalities.

Explore Default Configurations

Avoma offers pre-configured settings to jumpstart your experience and ensure you make the most of the platform. Included are shell Smart Categories, Templates, and Playlists that you can personalize.

Smart Categories and Trigger Prompts - Categories like Referral Source, Background, Current Workflow, Business Need, Impact, Feature Mention, Team Size, Competitor, Budget, Decision Making, Timeline, Risk, and Action items come with pre-populated prompts.

Templates - Avoma provides pre-loaded Templates such as Discovery, Demo, Follow up, Kick-Off, Check In, Support, and 1:1 to streamline your workflow.

Playlists - Avoma includes a range of Playlists for various purposes, including Feature Requests, Positive Customer Feedback, Negative Customer Feedback, Best Cold Calls, Best Discovery Calls, Best Demo Calls, Best Customer Kick-off Calls, Best Negotiation Moments, Best Competitor Handling, Best Pricing Objective Handling, All Hands, New Employee Onboarding, Sales Team Onboarding, Customer Success Team Onboarding, and New Product Launch Trainings.

Here is a 2-min demo of how Avoma works:


Overall, Avoma is a powerful tool for teams that want to make the most of their meeting time and ensure that important insights are captured and acted upon.

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